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DSFS and Cable Newsletters: Winter 2022 Editions

Welcome to our winter edition of Cable and DSFS Newsletters. I am delighted to bring you both winter editions today, as we head into a new year.

This year has been extraordinary for us all, both in work and outside of work, and I’d like to acknowledge and recognise everyone’s support and dedication to our patients, each other and our customers. Thank you. We’ve had many challenges, but also lots we should be proud of, which you’ll find in both editions of our newsletters.

I hope you are able to find some time to read and digest the stories and articles featured inside and are able to take pride in the work you and your colleagues have achieved together. We all play an important role individually, and also collectively to ensure we deliver service excellence through our people, for our people.

Season’s greetings, and I hope you can take some downtime with your friends, family and loved ones. If you are working over the festive period, thank you for continuing to strive for excellence and deliver exceptional patient care and services.

Dennis Kentrop 

Managing Director, #TeamDSFS

Posted in DSFS News

We have a passion to deliver excellence through our people.

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E: crhft.dsfs@nhs.net